This little guy is on the reception counter right as you enter our showroom at Savannah Hardscapes. Anyone and everyone who passes through sees this remarkable sculpture. Absolutely magnificent!
While Norman was growing up in New York he enjoyed working with wood, metal, and clay. After graduating from college as an engineer, his interest in form, design, and sculpture led him to study art at Pratt Institute.
His art began with large scale pieces that interacted with the environment. From here he did functional sculpture. Currently, Norman’s work is realistic, bronze sculpture of “Children At Play.”
Most of his life size pieces are created to capture the spirit of the child's actions. His three children; Wendy, Robbie, and Michael have played a significant role in his work.
“Children At Play” are included in private and corporate collections throughout the United States. His work is currently exhibited at Edgartown Art Gallery on Martha’s Vinyard and Savannah Hardscapes, Hardeeville, SC.
After living in the northeast and the northwest, Norman is currently still growing up and lives in Seabrook, SC with his wife Cheryl!
This little guy is on the reception counter right as you enter our showroom at Savannah Hardscapes. Anyone and everyone who passes through sees this remarkable sculpture. Absolutely magnificent!